Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Dark Three (Bard Song)

In Gehenna's fire baked wastes
In a fortress of obsidian stone
The three walked a damned path
To the Ruler of the Dead's throne

Weary of tallying the Dead's souls
Jergal did offer a game of chance
The three leapt upon the chance to play
They rolled the bones, all sixes made them dance

Malar the Beastlord did come to watch
To witness these macabre games
Jergal told them to roll some skulls
Malar reported the distances the same

Jergal did sigh a weary breath
And with hesitation he said
"Here ye be, the portfolios
Of death, tyranny, and the dead"

The newfound gods, they did delight
In spreading misery upon the land
Murder, death, and vile hate
Spread from the three's clawed hands

In the time of troubles
All three gods they died
But since the time of troubles
All three gods had survived

Bane through his troublesome brat
Bhaal through his profane seed
Myrkul through his horned crown
To once more make innocents bleed

Bane returned with the death of his son
Bhaal was thwarted til recently
Myrkul lives on through his crown of thorns
Corruption, death, murder, tyranny

Beware beloved Faerûn beware
As no night will promise life
With the rise of the Dark gods three
Our existence promises strife 

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